About us
Established in 1988, Lombardyne Industries has set out to be one of the finest Zero Liquid Discharge Plant manufacturing companies in India. Our deep experience in Thermo-dynamics has helped us become a leader in manufacturing Innovative products to achieve ZLD in the Industry.
Our specially designed and patented products such as Heat Pump MVR Vacuum Evaporators and Industrial Heat Pumps have given us a substantiable lead in the market.
Our MVR Vacuum Evaporators are designed on the working principle of Latent Heat Recovery Technology which enables our customers to save a substantial cost on external Thermal energy. Our Evaporators can reduce the running cost upto 70% when compared to a conventional one. Also our inbuilt Heat Pumps in our Evaporators help our customers eliminate the need to supply External Steam.
Similarly in today’s age, Customers want the Evaporators to run continuously without any breakdown. Conventional Evaporators are built on the basis of a Calandria. It is common knowledge that Calandria tends to choke frequently thus having frequent breakdowns. Lombardyne Evaporators are built on the working principle of a Reactor system. This enables our customers to take extra advantage of achieving much higher Concentrate levels upto 60% without any choking, thus far less breakdowns.
Lombardyne is catering to all Industries such as Chemical, Pharmaceutical, API, Dyes and Textile, and Automobile which are facing issues with effluent generation and want to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge. Lombardyne has always been and will continue to develop innovative products which help the Industry to achieve far better results with more simpler, practical and Eco-friendly solutions.

The Best in MVR Evaporation Technology
UNIT 1: 123/1, Lane No 11, Ramtekadi Industrial Estate, Hadapsar, Pune 411028
UNIT 2: Plot No 6, Lane No 4, Ramtekadi Industrial Estate, Hadapsar, Pune 411013
+91 9890920943
+91 8855013580
+91 8484830943