Lombardyne Evaporators are capable of handling effluent of following input parameters
TDS from range 1000 to 150,000
TSS from range 1000 to 90,000
Calcium from range 1000 to 35,000
Effluent Ph neutralized by Lime can also be treated in our Evaporators without any fouling or clogging.
CIP cycle is Ultra Easy without any Human intervention. One CIP cycle takes 25 minutes.
Fully Automatic Input Effluent intake / Condensate discharge
Automatic Level Sensing and Effluent Intake ON/OFF
The Best in MVR Evaporation Technology
UNIT 1: 123/1, Lane No 11, Ramtekadi Industrial Estate, Hadapsar, Pune 411028
UNIT 2: Plot No 6, Lane No 4, Ramtekadi Industrial Estate, Hadapsar, Pune 411013
+91 9890920943
+91 8855013580
+91 8484830943
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